Days & Months & Seasons

  1. 2. The weather is hot in the ... season.
  2. 6. ?,Winter,Spring,Summer
  3. 8. What is the last working day of the week?
  4. 10. Monday,?,Wednesday
  5. 11. How many months are there in a year?
  6. 12. This month is August. What is the next month ?
  7. 14. What is the month before november?
  8. 16. What is the fourth month of the year?
  9. 17. May,?,July
  1. 1. How many seasons are there in a year?
  2. 3. What is the first working day of the week?
  3. 4. How days are there in a week?
  4. 5. February is in the ? season.
  5. 7. How many days are there in a month?
  6. 9. The first month of the year.
  7. 13. How months are there in a season?
  8. 15. How many days are there in a weekend?