DBT Acronyms&Main Points

  1. 3. Imagery - Meaning - Relaxation - Prayer - One thing at a time - Vacation - Encouragement
  2. 7. Mindful to Emotion - Act opposite to Emotion - Self-validation - Turn the mind - Experience building positives - Radical acceptance
  3. 9. Validate - Imagine - Take small steps - Applaud yourself - Lighten your load - Sweeten the pot
  4. 10. Activities - contributions - comparisons - Emotion Opposites - Pushing Away - Thoughts - Sensations
  5. 12. Identify problem - gather data - analyze data - find solutions
  6. 13. Emotional brain meets rational brain
  1. 1. Temperature - Intense exercise - Paced breathing, Paired muscle relaxation
  2. 2. Describe, Express - Assert - Reinforce - Mindful - Appear confident - Negotiate
  3. 4. Gentle - Interested - Validate - Easy manner
  4. 5. Fair - Apology-free - Stick to values - Truthfulness
  5. 6. One mind - non-judgmental - effective
  6. 8. Specific - Meaningful - Achievable - Recordable - Timeline plan
  7. 11. Physical iLlness - Eating - Altering drugs - Sleep - Exercise