DC Superheroes

  1. 1. Gotta go fast
  2. 3. Half robot
  3. 6. Ally of superman and has a magic lasso.
  4. 9. Commander of lightning,can fly,superstrength, bullet immunity.
  5. 10. A superhero with a magic ring that can turn into weapons
  6. 12. Can turn into any animal.
  7. 14. King of Atlantis controls ocean animals with a trident.
  8. 16. Martial Artist, Technitian and named after a bird.
  9. 17. Ally of batman/son of Batman
  10. 18. Green hair, Red lipstick, and a Maniacal laugh.
  1. 2. Main nemesis of Lex Luthor and his planet got attacked
  2. 3. A nemesis and ally to batman
  3. 4. Master with a bow and arrow ally of Batman.
  4. 5. Main Nemesis of the Joker, Both parents died
  5. 7. God of Evil nemesis of Superman.
  6. 8. Ally of the Joker.
  7. 11. Ripoff of antman can shrink to an ATOM
  8. 13. can fly has laser eyes part of the series teen titans.
  9. 15. Has laser vision. can turn into humans and animals