DC540 2021 Badge

  1. 2. They're nothing when sneezed at.
  2. 4. The man who invented the Total Perspective Vortex did so basically in order to ____________ .
  3. 5. the most totally evil place in the Universe
  4. 9. The Babel fish went down the drain! If only you could have covered it?
  5. 10. If your brain's not the size of a planet, just agree with this device.
  6. 12. Teddy bear with more than the usual number of heads.
  7. 15. His body and mind are undergoing a legal trial separation.
  8. 16. The major problem with time travel.
  9. 18. Grateful protozoa.
  10. 19. The knack to flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and ____.
  1. 1. This answer is not important.
  2. 3. This field relies on people's natural predisposition not to see anything they don't want to.
  3. 6. In the manner of something which is floopy.
  4. 7. Decides to insult the Universe.
  5. 8. You can't hear anything, see, feel, or taste anything,and do not even know where you are or who you are or how you got here.
  6. 11. As wrote a guide to the Guide, so did London Below.
  7. 13. Numbers are not absolute, but depend on the observer's movement in ___.
  8. 14. the kind of flying saucer Ford looked for
  9. 17. Did you remember to give the dog a ____?