
  1. 3. Vehicle where Rosa made her stand.
  2. 6. System Rosa Parks opposed.
  3. 8. What Rosa Parks sought for all races.
  4. 13. The strategy used in the civil rights movement.
  5. 14. Last name of the civil rights activist known for the bus incident.
  6. 15. Rosa Parks' role in the civil rights movement.
  7. 16. Quality Rosa Parks displayed by refusing to give up her seat.
  8. 18. Action of expressing strong objection.
  9. 19. Legal entitlements Rosa and others sought to protect.
  1. 1. The principle of fairness Rosa Parks advocated.
  2. 2. State where Rosa Parks made history.
  3. 4. Unfair treatment based on race, opposed by Rosa.
  4. 5. What Rosa Parks left for future generations.
  5. 7. Type of court involved in civil rights decisions.
  6. 9. What Rosa Parks fought for.
  7. 10. First name of the woman who refused to give up her bus seat.
  8. 11. City where Rosa Parks lived.
  9. 12. What happened to Rosa Parks after refusing to move.
  10. 16. Type of rights Rosa fought for.
  11. 17. The Montgomery action taken in response to Rosa's arrest.