D&D Crossword Puzzle (Easy - PHB Only)

  1. 2. / The subrace that can attempt to hide behind creatures that are one size larger than them.
  2. 5. / The cunning race that has advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.
  3. 6. / Creatures with this condition have 0 speed and disadvantage on their attack rolls.
  4. 7. / A feat that increases an ability score of your choice by 1 and grants you proficiency in saving throws using that ability.
  5. 12. / The only Light Armor that grants disadvantage to stealth (AC 11).
  6. 14. / 1 ______ coin = 100 silver
  7. 16. / The number of arrows a quiver holds.
  8. 18. / This 1st-level enchantment spell affects creatures within 20 feet of a point the caster chooses within range, including allies.
  9. 19. / The home plane of Demons.
  10. 20. / The Heavy Armor that requires 15 Strength to wear without penalty.
  11. 21. / Another name for the Plane of Faerie. A plane of soft lights and eternal twilight, where the sun never truly sets or rises. Home to the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, where woodland beings dwell.
  12. 24. / The feat that gives you a +5 bonus to your passive Perception and passive Investigation scores.
  13. 26. / A word sometimes used to describe D&D's magic system, taken from the name of one of the authors in Appendix E.
  14. 30. / This type of lantern casts bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet.
  15. 31. / The mystic energy that fuels special maneuvers like "Stunning Strike" and "Patient Defense."
  16. 32. / Creatures with this condition have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.
  17. 34. / This level 1 class ability gives you resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
  18. 35. / This condition has six levels. Level 1 = Disadvantage on ability checks. 2 = Speed halved. Etc.
  19. 37. / This 1st-level Cleric/Paladin spell affects up to three creatures of the caster's choice and lasts for up to 1 minute, with concentration.
  20. 40. / The race that can (potentially) gain a feat at level 1.
  21. 41. / At this pace, a party can travel 18 miles per day.
  22. 43. / Unlike most spellcasters, this class regains its spell slots after a short rest.
  23. 45. / Weapons need this property to be dual-wielded.
  24. 48. / Starting at level 2, this "Jack of All Trades" class can add half its proficiency bonus to all ability checks.
  25. 49. / Monks and Rogues gain this ability at level 7, which allows them to dodge out of the way of certain harmful area effects.
  26. 51. / _______ hit points aren't cumulative, meaning you don't add them together.
  27. 53. / The race that has advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
  28. 55. / Traveling at this pace gives you a -5 penalty to your passive Wisdom (Perception) score.
  29. 57. / At 5 cp apiece, the cheapest weapon on the Weapons table, which deals 1d4 piercing damage.
  30. 59. / When you attack a target that you can't see, you have ________ on the attack roll.
  31. 61. / The most expensive item on the Adventuring Gear list.
  32. 65. / Whenever you divide a number and end up with a fraction, round _____, unless an ability tells you otherwise.
  33. 66. / The subrace that has advantage on saving throws against poison and resistance against poison damage.
  34. 67. / Creatures this size occupy a 15 x 15 ft. space on a grid.
  35. 69. / A feat that gives you +5 bonus to initiative.
  36. 70. / The race that has resistance to fire damage.
  37. 72. / The home plane of Devils (two words).
  38. 74. / Clerics specialize in ______ magic.
  39. 78. / This spellcasting class has its own secret language, which it can use to leave hidden messages.
  40. 79. / This item, when lit, casts bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.
  41. 80. / The dwarf subrace that has proficiency with light and medium armor.
  1. 1. / "Half" provides +2 AC, "Three-quarters" +5.
  2. 3. / Besides a quarterstaff, the only simple melee weapon that deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage.
  3. 4. / A feat that increases your hit point maximum by an amount equal to twice your level.
  4. 8. / Creatures with this condition can't take actions or reactions.
  5. 9. / The class with the lowest starting wealth (by a lot).
  6. 10. / In dim light, you have disadvantage on this skill.
  7. 11. / The type of saving throw you make whenever you take damage while concentrating on a spell.
  8. 13. / You can move through a hostile creature's space only if it is ____ sizes larger or smaller than you. The creature's space is still considered difficult terrain.
  9. 15. / A feat that increases your speed by 10.
  10. 17. / When you take this action on your turn, you can act later in the round using your reaction.
  11. 22. / If you cast a spell as a bonus action, you can't cast any other spells on your turn unless it's a ______ with a casting time of 1 action.
  12. 23. / The fighting style that gives you a +1 bonus to AC when you're wearing armor.
  13. 25. / Wizards specialize in ______ magic.
  14. 27. / Half-orcs deal extra damage when they score this type of hit.
  15. 28. / When you take this action, your movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks for the rest of the turn.
  16. 29. / 100 _____ coins = 1 gold
  17. 33. / The race that has resistance to poison damage and advantage on saving throws against poison.
  18. 36. / The dwarf subrace that gets more hit points.
  19. 38. / Half-elves gain proficiency in two _____ of their choice.
  20. 39. / Taking this action in combat gives you advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
  21. 41. / Another name for the Plane of Shadow, a world of darkness where color has been leached from everything, and where the sky is a black vault with neither sun nor stars.
  22. 42. / The type of damage dealt by a Paladin's Divine Smite.
  23. 44. / A creature with this condition can't attack the person who gave it to them or target them with harmful abilities or magical effects.
  24. 46. / Besides cantrips, level 1 Sorcerers know ___ spell(s).
  25. 47. / The fighting style that gives you a +2 bonus to damage rolls when you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapon.
  26. 50. / The only "weapon" on the Weapons table that doesn't do any damage.
  27. 52. / One of the races that has advantage on saving throws against being charmed and can't be put to sleep by magic.
  28. 54. / The ranged weapon with the longest range (150/600).
  29. 56. / This class gets more Ability Score Improvements than any other class; 7 altogether.
  30. 58. / An undead turned by a Cleric is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any _______.
  31. 60. / The school of magic for Cure Wounds and Magic Missile.
  32. 62. / An attack roll against a creature with this condition has advantage if the attacker is within 5 feet. Otherwise, the attack roll has disadvantage.
  33. 63. / Creatures with this condition are incapacitated, can't move, and can speak only falteringly. They also automatically fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws -- and attack rolls against them have advantage.
  34. 64. / Sneak attacks must use a _____ or a ranged weapon.
  35. 66. / Besides Dexterity, Rangers have proficiency in this saving throw.
  36. 67. / If the d20 roll for an attack is a 20, the attack ____ regardless of any modifiers or the target's AC.
  37. 68. / 10 ____ coins = 1 platinum
  38. 71. / The class that has proficiency in Wisdom and Intelligence saving throws.
  39. 73. / Demons are chaotic evil, whereas devils are ______ evil.
  40. 75. / 20 _______ coins = 10 silver
  41. 76. / The elf subrace that has a base walking speed of 35 feet.
  42. 77. / The type of damage dealt by the Chill Touch cantrip.