
  1. 3. Changed date president takes office from March 4th to January 20th.
  2. 5. Act Helped farmers pay mortgages
  3. 10. Provided employment to young men; national parks
  4. 13. It allowed industries to create fair competition; set min. wage
  5. 22. monitors the stock market
  6. 25. Republican Pres; approach to economy; voluntarism
  7. 26. New Deal critic;
  8. 27. (NLRB)
  9. 28. A New Deal legislation allowed workers to bargain collectively
  10. 29. Established the Federal Deposit Insurance
  1. 1. A New Deal agency; electric power; control floods
  2. 2. Type of strike in which striking workers refuse to leave the factories
  3. 4. provided $ for food & other necessities PublicWorksAdministration spent $ public buildings, highways, and parkways.
  4. 6. ended the Prohibition
  5. 7. The "radio priest." A critic of the New Deal
  6. 8. Government practice of spending more than is taken in from taxes.
  7. 9. established National Labor Relations Board;
  8. 11. Conservatives who did not agree with Roosevelt
  9. 12. Hoover, 1932 to provide relief to big businesses
  10. 14. (WPA)
  11. 15. All the banks were ordered to close until new laws could be passed
  12. 16. gave the President power over the banking system
  13. 17. first woman ever appointed to the cabinet.
  14. 18. Roosevelt FDR's Wife and New Deal supporter
  15. 19. A series of reforms enacted; Roosevelt
  16. 20. created pension and insurance for the old-aged
  17. 21. informal talks given by FDR
  18. 23. New Deal President
  19. 24. new set of programs in the spring of 1935