Deann, unit4 natural disasters

  1. 4. a large amount of water covers an area
  2. 7. something influences sth or causes sth to change in some way
  3. 8. a long period of time with no rain falls.
  4. 9. you get someone out of a dangerous or unhappy situation.
  5. 10. somewhere in order to catch animals or birds
  6. 11. something happens suddenly which is surprising
  7. 12. you try very hard to do it
  8. 13. put sth into a hole and cover it up with sth
  9. 14.
  1. 1. places which are made to protect people from bad weather or danger.
  2. 2. the end of the life of a person or animal
  3. 3. sth which is used for heating and lighting
  4. 5. injury, harm or loss of something
  5. 6. A very bad accident such as an earthquake especially maybe a lot of people are killed.
  6. 8. cause so much damage to some place totally.