Death Valley Trivia

  1. 1. 49'ers were
  2. 4. Shoshone Tribe
  3. 6. 49'ers do this every year
  4. 10. Lowest point in the lower 48 States
  5. 12. Mineral mined in Death Valley
  6. 14. Highest Peak in the Lower 48 States
  7. 15. 3.4 Million..
  1. 1. Mountain Range
  2. 2. Point to watch Sunrise
  3. 3. Movie filmed in Death Valley
  4. 5. There were 20 of them
  5. 7. Death Valley got it's name from a group of..
  6. 8. In 1929 there was not a single drop of..
  7. 9. Death Valley is dried than the...
  8. 11. Coast Borax Company
  9. 13. Host of Death Valley Days and President of U.S.