Debate and Philosopher Vocabulary

  1. 4. Speech during a debate where the speaker can attack the opponent, clear up any attacks from the other side, and rebuild their case
  2. 6. Speech during a debate where the speaker can present their case and define the resolution.
  3. 8. Belief that consequences or the outcome matters more than how it came to be.
  4. 10. Philosopher that believed the state of nature was violent/pure anarchy.
  5. 11. Belief that right is right and wrong is wrong no matter what. Ex: Lying is bad even if it helps someone.
  1. 1. Another word for Utilitarianism
  2. 2. The study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values and reason.
  3. 3. Time during a debate where the opposite side questions the team that just spoke
  4. 5. Pro or side that agrees with the resolution.
  5. 7. Against the resolution
  6. 9. Philosopher that believed the state of nature is NOT violent, or that bad.
  7. 12. Type of debate that is one vs one, the topics are usually about values or morals