Debate terminology

  1. 2. A reason why an assertion is true.
  2. 4. The current (status quo) policies regarding the debate resolution area.
  3. 6. a piece of evidence, usually a quote from an expert, that proves a point.
  4. 9. The overall standard by which the round should be weighed.
  5. 10. When a point does not pertain to the resolution.
  6. 11. To indicate where one is on the flow.
  7. 14. The argument presented is pertinent to the resolution in spirit or literally, it is topical.
  8. 16. Argument that supports the Affirmative plan and shows that it has a high degree of
  9. 18. One-sentence summary of a contention or subpoint.
  1. 1. Something bad that happens because of the position one side takes.
  2. 3. A harm or benefit that can happen on either side and is therefore a wash.
  3. 5. Usually used in the context of “Group these subpoints together.”
  4. 7. A point that is a part of the larger umbrella contention
  5. 8. To carry across the flow.
  6. 12. Explains the importance of the warranted claim.
  7. 13. The specific new policy the Affirmative offers to adopt the resolution.
  8. 15. to reduce or eliminate the current Significance (harms).
  9. 17. Why you win the round.