Debate Terms

  1. 3. an argument that your opponent does not attack
  2. 4. show that an argument your opponent made actually supports your side
  3. 5. response speech to refute or disprove the opponent and to defend own arguments
  4. 6. answer to each argument in the debate round in organized manner
  5. 8. piece of evidence from a reliable research source/expert
  6. 9. standard by which arguments in a round are measured and weighed; should be an action step
  7. 11. an ideal or goal that is seen as worthwhile to a person, group, or society
  8. 13. plan of action the government considers to achieve a goal
  9. 17. the 1-3 most important points why you win the round
  10. 18. time allocated to prepare for the next speech
  11. 20. note-taking in debate
  12. 22. time when opponent asks direct questions of speaker
  1. 1. summary of key issues of the debate
  2. 2. one sentence summary of a contention; claim
  3. 7. feedback form filled out by a judge
  4. 10. topic to be debated in one sentence
  5. 12. argues in favor of the resolution
  6. 14. debater’s “case;” the first speech by each debater where new arguments are introduced
  7. 15. an argument that has a claim, data, warrant and impact
  8. 16. responses and evidence organized ahead of time to refute likely arguments
  9. 19. argues against the resolution
  10. 21. direct response to an argument made by opponent to show its flaws
  11. 23. clearly stating where you are on the flow as you speak