Debate Unit Vocabulary Review Crossword

  1. 3. Millions have fled the civil war in Syria in the past 3 years (n)
  2. 4. Dr. Norman Bethune spent the last years of his life in China, bringing modern medicine to the countryside and treating wounded civilians and soldiers (n)
  3. 6. A short summary and outline of team’s case (n)
  4. 7. A point on which the sides in a debate clash (n)
  5. 8. For example, whether or not students should wear uniforms at school (adj)
  6. 9. "A strike against the State" (n)
  7. 11. If this fails to solve a conflict, war may be inevitable (n)
  8. 13. At least 56 in China (n)
  9. 17. Auschwitz was a(n) ________________ camp. (n)
  10. 20. “How can we rebuild Western Europe, General Marshall?” (n)
  11. 22. Due to the refusal of many countries to do business with Iran, its economy suffered terribly (n)
  12. 24. Lays out your team’s argument (s) in a formal debate (n)
  13. 31. The team which opposes the wording of the resolution (n)
  14. 32. For example, Nanjing in 1937 (n)
  15. 33. “I just want things to stay the way they are!” (n)
  16. 34. Examples include the Genocide, Geneva, Chemical Weapons, and Nuclear Weapons Testing Ban (n)
  17. 36. According to the UN, include Life, Liberty, Freedom of Movement, and the Ownership of Property (n)
  18. 37. Often due to religious or ethnic differences; usually by a member of a majority group towards a minority group (n)
  19. 39. “How can we go about making the opposition’s ideas look bad?” (n)
  20. 40. Citizens in the Soviet Union under Stalin’s rule (adj)
  21. 41. You'd better have a good one, or you'll lose for sure. (n)
  1. 1. “I am in favour of this resolution!” (v)
  2. 2. Violent removal of a minority group from their homes (n)
  3. 3. A treaty can’t come into effect without it (n)
  4. 5. One of the root causes of the Holocaust (n)
  5. 6. It's up to the prosecution to prove the guilt of the accused (n)
  6. 10. “Blue Helmets” (n)
  7. 12. "Serbia for the Serbians, and the Serbians alone!" (n)
  8. 14. Word coined by Raphael Lempkin after studying what happened to Armenians in the Ottoman Empire (n)
  9. 15. The Nazis and the Holocaust (n)
  10. 16. “They say…., but In fact…” (v)
  11. 18. “The percentage of eligible voters actually voting in elections should be increased by making voting mandatory for all citizens.” (n)
  12. 19. On the face of it, this seems to be correct. (n)
  13. 21. The root cause of the conflict between China and Japan over the Diaoyu / Senkaku Islands (n)
  14. 23. Originally designed to cut through heavy vegetation in jungles (n)
  15. 25. “I have the right to live as I choose!” (n)
  16. 26. A justified argument (adj)
  17. 27. A key trait of a good judge (adj)
  18. 28. Most debates can’t be won without it. (n)
  19. 29. Due to Russia's actions in Ukraine, many European nations are placing these on the exports of Russian natural gas (n)
  20. 30. “I recommend that we follow this course of action.” (v)
  21. 35. "I don't care!" (n)
  22. 38. “I admit it, you’ve got a good point.” (v)