Debate Vocabulary

  1. 2. a method of reasoning/thinking
  2. 5. defend, explain, or make excuses for by reasoning
  3. 7. the side that is for the resolution
  4. 9. to recognize or admit
  5. 11. having nothing to do with the subject
  6. 13. connected with or related to the subject
  7. 15. a response that refutes an argument; a comback
  8. 17. mark the outline of; sketch; describe in detail
  9. 19. the opposite argument or viewpoint from what the speaker/writer is saying
  10. 20. a mental activity that consists of organizing information or beliefs into a series of steps to reach conclusions
  1. 1. presenting a persuasive opinion
  2. 3. a cause and effect relationship in which one variable controls the changes in another variable
  3. 4. two people equally trying to prove white side is "right" using a formal structure
  4. 6. to examine, assess, and judge carefully
  5. 8. confrontation in which people cross lives to prove to each other WHO or what is "right"
  6. 10. a statement or assertion that is open to challenge and that requires support
  7. 12. the topic of debate, always posed as a statement, not a question
  8. 14. relevant pieces of information that support a claim: facts, quotations, examples, statistics, or stories
  9. 16. the side that is against the resolution
  10. 18. a relationship between two variables