
  1. 5. the process of drawing conclusions from evidence and connecting ideas,situations,and events
  2. 9. stating the opinions or conclusions of others who special knowledge or experience about the issue you are discussing
  3. 12. also known as the problem;showing that a serious problem exists in the present policy
  4. 14. showing the seriousness of the problems within the current policy
  5. 16. the use of numbers to prove or disapprove a point
  6. 17. the speed at which a person speaks
  7. 18. body language
  8. 19. determining if the present system will solve the problem or make it worse
  9. 21. the same as the debate proposition
  10. 23. a discussion and exchange of two opposing points of view on a particular topic
  11. 24. also known as oral style; your choice and use of words
  1. 1. the use and motion of the hands and arms
  2. 2. overcoming arguments by your opponents and reexplaining or rebuilding your own arguments
  3. 3. supporting material used in a debate to prove or disapprove something
  4. 4. the loudness or softness of your voice
  5. 6. the way you pronounce or enunciate words and syllables
  6. 7. challenging your opponents' points by showing flaws and weaknesses in their arguments
  7. 8. also known as a resolution;it is the actual topic of the debate
  8. 10. the team that normally argues for the proposition, which suggests a change in a given policy
  9. 11. the benefits to your plan or solution
  10. 13. the tone or level of your voice
  11. 15. also known as analogy
  12. 20. the team that normally argues against a change and suggests that things should remain the same
  13. 22. telling or retelling a story;giving details that relate to your argument or point