Dec 2019

  1. 2. painful bump on the big toe joint
  2. 3. back portion of the lower leg
  3. 6. cosmetic treatment of feet and toenails
  4. 7. foot doctor
  5. 9. the body's response to injury
  6. 12. medical equipment that keeps an injured body part immobile
  7. 13. malformation of a body part
  8. 14. place in the body where bones connect
  9. 15. thigh muscle
  1. 1. disease where blood sugar is too high
  2. 4. bending easily
  3. 5. one spot rubbing against another
  4. 8. thickened skin on the feet caused by friction
  5. 10. shoe inserts custom made for the patient
  6. 11. dried out gourd for scrubbing the body