December 1st list- Maddy

  1. 1. I was just trying __________ sing the song.
  2. 2. Breanna wrote on the ______.
  3. 4. That was ___________ car.
  4. 5. If you litter, your will __________ the world.
  5. 6. The _________ was very wicked over the winter.
  6. 9. The _____ cast a spell on Maggie.
  7. 12. That was __________ sister on the stage.
  8. 13. The kickball was way over ______!
  9. 14. Peyton ran ______ the door.
  1. 1. Kamryn had ______ questions to ask Mr.Ford
  2. 2. Vanessa was very __________ over vacation.
  3. 3. _______ you like reading or not, you have to read this book.
  4. 7. The special affect had an ______ on the movie.
  5. 8. _________ very smart children!
  6. 9. Jasmine had to ask the stranger ________ way the restaurant was.
  7. 10. They were running ______ fast for me!
  8. 11. The movie lasted one ______.
  9. 13. Olivia __________ the softball to 1st base.