December Crossword

  1. 5. A special day of celebration or observance.
  2. 7. Ice crystals that form on cold surfaces.
  3. 12. A vehicle typically pulled by horses on snow.
  4. 13. Daily atmospheric conditions, including temperature and precipitation.
  5. 14. A warm covering for the bed.
  1. 1. A unique ice crystal that falls as snow.
  2. 2. Uncomfortably cold.
  3. 3. An educator who imparts knowledge and skills to students.
  4. 4. Handwear to keep fingers warm in winter.
  5. 6. Garment worn to keep warm in cold weather.
  6. 8. Footwear suitable for snowy or wet conditions.
  7. 9. Solid water that forms when temperatures drop.
  8. 10. Educational institution where teaching and learning take place.
  9. 11. A pause in educational activities, often during the holiday season.
  10. 13. The coldest season of the year.