
  1. 3. the decimal form of 43/10
  2. 5. fraction form of 0.9.
  3. 6. decimal form of 19/2
  4. 8. 0.8 in it's lowest fraction form is ___.
  5. 9. 9/5 in the lowest form of the fraction of the decimal ___.
  1. 1. the fraction 17/5 in it's decimal form is ___.
  2. 2. 2001/10 in decimal form is _____.
  3. 4. 0.75 in it's lowest term in fraction form
  4. 5. 478/5 is the decimal in it's lowest fraction form.
  5. 6. the lowest term fraction form of the decimal 1.125 is ___.
  6. 7. decimal form of 53/10