Defining Your Future

  1. 2. the system that protects your internal organs
  2. 5. All living things are composed of _______.
  3. 6. a chemical signal produced in the endocrine system
  4. 7. Shivering when you are cold is an example of the human body’s ability to _________ to the environment
  5. 9. the system that supplies the body with oxygen
  6. 11. The nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems work together to control
  7. 12. The digestive and the _______________ systems work together to deliver nutrients from food to the body cells.
  8. 13. kidneys, brain, stomach, lungs
  9. 15. help carry on life activities within the cell.
  1. 1. Cell --> _______→ organ → organ system
  2. 3. the organ system responsible for elimination of wastes
  3. 4. ______--> tissue → organ → organ system
  4. 5. the organ system responsible for deliverying nutrients to the body
  5. 8. the organ system responsible for breaking down nutrients
  6. 10. When a person inhales, the lungs absorb oxygen, which is used by the mitochondrion in the cells to carry out the process of __________
  7. 14. the organ system responsible for coordinating movement and responding to stimuli
  8. 16. Nonliving things are composed of ______ but not cells.