
  1. 3. 25% of the atmosphere carbon dioxide from burnt fossil fuels are absorbed by certain area of _____
  2. 6. Humans overfishing, destroying habitats and over hunting affects this sphere.
  3. 10. When plants are ________ the carbon and energy moves up the food chain and gets transferred.
  4. 11. The atmosphere brings the hydrosphere water up for precipitation. These things also help the water cycle.
  5. 12. This helps give water to plants and trees.
  6. 16. Deforestation causes the soil to ______ water way less.
  7. 17. These are taken by the plant from the soil.
  8. 18. Tropical deforestation causes 20% of the world’s _______________ emision.
  9. 19. Through this process humans can put carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
  1. 1. Humans burn this which makes carbon dioxide go into the atmosphere.
  2. 2. When plants do this, the carbon from them can go back into the ground.
  3. 4. This causes soil to erode.
  4. 5. We pump waste into the ocean threatening this sphere.
  5. 7. Through this process, plants convert the sunlight, carbon dioxide and water into food for itself.
  6. 8. Deforestation is ___________ destroying forests.
  7. 9. This thing is pulled from the air when plants do photosynthesis.
  8. 13. This thing can take in some of the carbon dioxide exhaled for photosynthesis.
  9. 14. Humans pile up a lot of trash in the land affecting this earth’s sphere.
  10. 15. If one of the four major spheres does this, the rest will also be affected.