Delany's Bridal Shower

  1. 2. month of wedding
  2. 5. days until the wedding
  3. 7. promises
  4. 9. where the bride and groom met
  5. 10. location of ceremony
  6. 13. exchanged at the alter
  7. 15. before the reception
  8. 16. tie the ____
  9. 17. what the bride walks down
  10. 18. words before a kiss
  11. 19. where the bride grew up
  1. 1. mr. and mrs.
  2. 3. what the bride holds
  3. 4. month the couple got engaged
  4. 6. city the couple lives in
  5. 8. the couple's dog's name
  6. 9. "you may now ____ the bride"
  7. 11. symbol of love
  8. 12. special occasion
  9. 14. people attending