Delhi Sultanate :: Khalji Dynasty

  1. 3. Alauddin ordered the measuring of land under cultivation in what region?
  2. 4. Who was Jalaluddin Khalji to Alauddin Khalji?
  3. 6. The rise of the Khaljis ended what hegemony of controlling the high offices.
  4. 10. He reduced the chief Hindu kingdoms of which region?
  5. 11. Who succeeded the throne in 1296 CE?
  6. 12. Sultans chose military commanders as governors of the territories of different sizes. What were these lands called?
  7. 14. The Delhi sultans favoured whom rather than appointing landed chieftains and aristocrats as governors?
  1. 1. Who overcame the external threat of Mongols,and overthrew the incompetent successors of Balban and established the Khalji dynasty?
  2. 2. Alauddin was in need of a large standing army to save Delhi from recurring______________invasions.
  3. 5. What Dynasty succeeded The Mamluk Dynasty?
  4. 7. Without incurring additional expenditure Alauddin Khalji decided to pay salaries to whom in lieu of iqtas?
  5. 8. Alauddin Khalji fixed fifty per cent of the produce to be paid as land tax known as:____________.
  6. 9. What were the landlords called who paid the taxes?
  7. 13. His forces also successfully took on serious____________onslaughts.