Delicious Food

  1. 4. japan noodles(easy)
  2. 6. Famous delicacies during the full moon(easy)
  3. 8. Very delicious round meat stuck in gravy and severed in a big furniture shop. (Extreme hard)
  4. 9. Icy desert with food coloring(easy)
  5. 10. Japan sticky rice(medium)
  6. 11. Fish burger with extra cheese(hard)
  7. 12. Indian fried pancake(easy)
  1. 1. Big, round, green fruit(easy)
  2. 2. Famous western soup(easy)
  3. 3. when your mother got nothing to cook, she will cook this food that consists of noodles. (medium)
  4. 5. cheesy chips in cinema(medium)
  5. 7. Malay mixed veg rice(easy)