- 4. An imaginary line that separates the top half of the world from the bottom half of the world
- 7. The name for the organization of people who run our nation
- 9. Capital of the state of West Virginia
- 12. President shot and killed in 1963
- 13. Our first president in the United States
- 14. The supreme law of the land, drafted in 1892
- 16. The mississippi is the largest one of these in the United States
- 17. Legal resident of a nation
- 18. Capital of the State of Texas
- 1. A large body of fresh water
- 2. Capital of the State of South Dakota
- 3. Clostest United States state to Africa
- 5. Capital of the state of Maine
- 6. What our nation declared July 4th, 1776
- 8. Mountain range in the western part of the United States
- 10. Capital of New York State
- 11. A people's surroundings including land,water,mountains,deserts, etc.
- 15. An massive body of saltwater that borders multiple continents