Democracy In Acient Athens

  1. 3. Where you decide on criminal cases.
  2. 4. It's used to buy goods.
  3. 8. They were well to do.
  4. 10. The Assembly is were people gather to.
  5. 12. Someone with no political authority is called...
  6. 13. You attend assemblies at least .... a month.
  7. 14. Pnyx Hill is located were?
  8. 15. Something peopled could owned.
  1. 1. Leather harness was used to make...
  2. 2. Every citizen must attend the Assembly in order to...
  3. 5. Athenians fought against these people.
  4. 6. Who was Dracos?
  5. 7. At the age of 18 you can join this.
  6. 9. Only qualified people could have a say is called?
  7. 11. These military leaders were in charge of.