Democracy & participation 2

  1. 2. A term that refers to the idea that political decision making involves
  2. 4. means the same as ‘suffrage’ — that is, the right to vote.
  3. 5. taking
  4. 7. the rapid growth in the number of
  5. 10. An organisation whose role is to undertake research into various aspects of
  6. 12. aspects of equality that are established by
  7. 15. and the legal system in general.
  8. 16. of government or an agency of the state.
  1. 1. groups operating in modern democracies.
  2. 3. the power of the government should have strict limits and that these limits will be enforced by the
  3. 6. policy
  4. 8. An activity, commonly used by pressure groups, to promote causes and interests.
  5. 9. A statement of a party’s agreed policies produced during an election campaign
  6. 11. inform the public about the political platform upon which its candidates are standing.
  7. 13. between the competing demands of different groups.
  8. 14. the case of an individual constituent who feels they have suffered an injustice, usually at the