- 1. A quantity word we can use to depict everyone or everything.
- 2. He is____honest man.(an article)
- 4. a quantity word which is used with plural and uncountable nouns which means ‘nothing’
- 5. A demonstrative we can use to convey that there is one ball ⚽️ in far proximity.
- 7. A demonstrative we can use to convey that there are many trees around us.
- 8. A quantity word used with singular countable nouns which refers to all the people or things in a group, considered separately.
- 1. This Apple is spoiled, do you have ______ one. (fill in the blank with a quantity word which means ‘one more’ or ‘one extra’.)
- 3. a demonstrative used to convey your that a(one) person or thing in close proximity.
- 4. A quantity word used with singular countable nouns which means’not one or the other’(it refes to two people or things).
- 6. an article that we use to specify a noun or to show the plural of a noun.