
  1. 5. They turn sunlight,carbon dioxide and water into high energy carbohydrates.
  2. 6. Are fruit that have reached their full size and color.
  3. 7. For faster ripening place them in brown paper bag at room temperature.
  4. 8. After it washed, some produce needs to be peeled-for example oranges.
  5. 9. Potatoes that are exposed to light sometimes develop a greenish color.
  6. 12. C A vitamin found inkiwifruit,strawberries and cantaloupe.
  7. 13. To for ripeness on most fruits press very gently.
  8. 17. The body uses this phytochemical.
  9. 19. The heat of cooking releases flavors making them more noticeable.
  10. 20. An easy way to avoid enzymatic browning is to coat the fruits with some some form of ascorbic acid (vitamin C)as soon as they are cut.
  1. 1. E Apples and warm weather fruit such as apricot are good sources of this vitamin.
  2. 2. The chemical compound that plants use to turn the sun's energy into food.
  3. 3. Vegetables in the cabbage family (eg. broccoli).
  4. 4. These are high in carbohydrates and other nutrients
  5. 10. Use lemon juice can keep banana slices from turning dark.
  6. 11. Forms of vegetables and fruits can be a real help in today's busy families.
  7. 14. Are fruits that are tender and have a pleasant aroma.
  8. 15. When properly cooked vegetables and fruits retain pleasing colors.
  9. 16. Although oxygen in air will eventually cause any fruits to turn brown the reaction occurs more quickly in fruits contain that certain.
  10. 18. Heat softens the cell walls, making vegetables and fruits more tender.