Density and States Unit Review

  1. 5. explained by gravity, density, and displacement
  2. 8. a physical form of matter controlled by particle attractions
  3. 10. unit of cubic centimeters for solids
  4. 13. particles do not experience attractions between particles
  5. 14. 10 meters
  6. 15. name of Mr. Sucher’s dog
  7. 16. decreases when a substance is heated
  8. 17. solid --> gas
  9. 19. particles cannot easily move relative to each other
  1. 1. 0.01 gram
  2. 2. heat will move from high to low _______________
  3. 3. units of g, kg, mg
  4. 4. one third of a yard
  5. 6. gas --> liquid
  6. 7. unit of volume for liquids
  7. 9. principle of volume displacement
  8. 11. for a substance, will occur at the same conditions as melting
  9. 12. evidence of a state change on a time-temperature graph
  10. 15. solid --> liquid
  11. 18. 25.4 millimeters