Dental Assistant Appreciation Week 2023

  1. 3. I just had a baby girl
  2. 4. I'm in ALS
  3. 7. My car was struck by lightening while I was driving it
  4. 9. My favorite drink is a lemon drop martini
  5. 10. I hate drinking water
  6. 12. I memorized the choreography for all NSYNC & Britney Spears dances as a teen in the 90s & still know it
  7. 14. I rode the train from Memphis to Oregon
  8. 15. I've jumped off a bridge
  9. 17. I went to college for graphic art
  10. 19. I'm a hygienist
  11. 22. My favorite animal is the sea turtle
  12. 24. I never tried yogurt until I was 27
  13. 25. I have taken up needlepoint stitching as a hobby recently
  14. 30. I ran the 4x4x48 (4 miles, every 4 hours, for 48 hours)
  15. 31. I had 3 dogs as a child: Hershey, Reeces, Snickers
  16. 33. I like country music
  17. 34. I busted my little brother's tooth in the car
  18. 37. I was at the last Beastie Boys concert ever
  19. 38. I swam with nurse sharks on purpose
  20. 39. My spouse lives in a different state
  21. 42. I was in a music video!
  22. 43. I've played over 600 hours on the sims and I have a mugshot
  23. 44. I played the saxophone in high school
  1. 1. I don't like fish
  2. 2. I broke my leg playing football
  3. 5. I have 30 letters in my full name
  4. 6. There's 11 years between me & my youngest brother
  5. 8. I was born in New York
  6. 11. I like to write fiction
  7. 13. I was in a movie once
  8. 16. I started active duty as EOD
  9. 18. I paint
  10. 19. I separate this summer
  11. 20. I'm 1st Generation American born
  12. 21. My mom lives in Columbia
  13. 23. I won the state art competition in high school
  14. 24. I just had a baby boy
  15. 26. I'm scared of roller coasters
  16. 27. I worked at CPK in Burbank, CA and could eat CPK for life
  17. 28. I play badminton and pickle ball
  18. 29. I played semi-pro basketball for 6 months
  19. 32. I climbed Mt. Fuji and then took a nap
  20. 35. My wife is pregnant with a boy
  21. 36. I play golf
  22. 39. I had a surgery to prevent ingrown toenails
  23. 40. I can speak 3 languages
  24. 41. I can solve a Rubik's cube