Dental French

  1. 2. Used for routine extraction
  2. 4. Protects patient from ionizing radiation
  3. 5. You may feel some post operative ___________
  4. 8. Smooth and shape composite
  5. 9. HVE or saliva ejector
  6. 11. Another word for pain
  7. 14. Infiltration and block
  8. 16. Used to stabilize dam
  9. 17. Alignment device
  10. 21. Permanent or temporary tooth covering
  11. 22. PA, BW, PAN
  12. 23. You may__________a pinch
  13. 24. Adhesive for composite
  14. 25. Composite or amalgam
  15. 27. Buccale OH
  16. 28. Used for ligatures and interproximal cleaning
  17. 29. Prepares surface for bond
  1. 1. Bite on 2x2 gauze to minimize________
  2. 3. Post extraction discoloration
  3. 6. Poured up with gypsum
  4. 7. Caused by luxation
  5. 10. Isolation device
  6. 12. Hygiene task
  7. 13. Varnish, gel or SDF
  8. 15. Class I, II, II, IV, V, VI
  9. 18. Visual or radiographic
  10. 19. Patients hate me
  11. 20. Used for injection
  12. 24. Surgical removal
  13. 26. Treatment for recession