  1. 1. - Dental care tool to clean teeth.
  2. 4. - Oral hygiene for teeth.
  3. 7. - Tooth removal from mouth.
  4. 9. - Dental image to examine teeth closely.
  5. 11. - Dental part of the mouth.
  6. 12. - Dental pain often caused to patients.
  7. 13. - Decay of teeth.
  8. 14. - Dental hygiene tool to use on daily basis.
  1. 1. - Dental repair of teeth.
  2. 2. - Profession related to dental work.
  3. 3. - Relating to the mouth and teeth.
  4. 5. - Numbness for dental work to reduce pain.
  5. 6. - Artificial teeth to fix dental issue.
  6. 8. - Oral cleaning agent used with brush.
  7. 10. - Dental examination by dentist.