
  1. 2. kicks the ball
  2. 10. throws the ball
  3. 11. I like playing soccer
  4. 12. Who lost?
  5. 13. I like playing baseball
  6. 15. What sports do you like playing?
  7. 16. I like playing sports
  8. 18. catches the ball
  9. 20. I like playing football
  10. 21. What sports do you like watching?
  1. 1. I like playing ice hockey
  2. 3. Do you like playing sports?
  3. 4. Who won?
  4. 5. hits the ball
  5. 6. They tied
  6. 7. scores a goal
  7. 8. won
  8. 9. I like playing basketball
  9. 14. lost
  10. 17. passes the ball
  11. 19. scores