
  1. 3. RedSocks and Yankees
  2. 4. Basketball players play on a ___________.
  3. 7. Baseball players wear this to catch the ball.
  4. 8. The Huskers play in Memorial __________.
  5. 10. The person in soccer who protects the goal.
  6. 11. when 2 teams compete
  7. 12. At the end of the game _______ ran out.
  8. 13. A touchdown is worth 6 __________.
  1. 1. A sport where people can't use their hands.
  2. 2. Soccer players play on a soccer __________.
  3. 3. Lebron James and Micheal Jordan
  4. 5. The huskers are a _________.
  5. 6. Someone who plays a sport.
  6. 9. You use a racket and a tennis ball.
  7. 10. Soccer players play with a soccer _________.