Describing People

  1. 5. a back part of the leg below the knee
  2. 6. determined to do as one wants
  3. 8. clever, sharp
  4. 10. an advocate
  5. 11. puzzled, not knowing what to do
  6. 14. a person who deserves to be hated
  7. 15. excessively trustful
  8. 17. smug, self-satisfied
  9. 18. sad, sorrowful, depressed
  10. 25. who always puts off one's work
  11. 26. a person who is active at night
  12. 29. attentive, caring about others
  13. 31. socially shy and timid
  14. 32. having strong beliefs and disrespecting the others
  15. 35. a very famous brand or person
  16. 36. a careless driver
  17. 37. always has to be helped by others
  18. 38. a person who worries a lot
  19. 39. the part of the leg between the hip and the knee
  20. 40. tactless, rude, direct
  1. 1. an official who takes possession of someone's property when they can't pay their debts
  2. 2. bad-tempered
  3. 3. forgetful, distracted
  4. 4. a woman's name before she's married
  5. 7. a person who intentionally causes problems for other people
  6. 9. feel ashamed or stupid
  7. 12. a pesron who can't say no
  8. 13. adaptable, flexible
  9. 16. who behaves in an uncontrolled or unexpected way and is likely to cause problems for other people
  10. 17. hates spending money even if it's necessary
  11. 19. an unethical person who pretends to be your friend but betrays you
  12. 20. stubborn, refusing to change one's opinion
  13. 21. a person who always acts good, sweet
  14. 22. spiteful, poisonous
  15. 23. a person who strongly insists on the rules
  16. 24. excessively proud of oneself
  17. 27. a person who cuts trees into logs
  18. 28. wants to know about people's private lives
  19. 30. cruel, heartless
  20. 33. a very angry person
  21. 34. feeling bitterness