Describing pictures 10

  1. 4. circle or the shape of the ball
  2. 6. you do this when you are happy
  3. 8. very generous or friendly
  4. 9. a person below 20 years old
  5. 10. phone a phone that you can bring all the time with you
  6. 12. looks like very small green leaves
  7. 14. color of purity in Japanese beliefs
  8. 15. A boy grows into a ___?
  9. 18. a businessman always brings this when going to work
  10. 19. where you put food
  11. 20. Yellow fruit, very sour in taste
  12. 22. you can play games, go to the internet, write documents etc
  13. 24. a document or identification that you need to go to other countries
  14. 25. to decorate
  15. 28. What a teacher does
  16. 30. cook (food, especially meat) by prolonged exposure to heat in an oven or over a fire.
  17. 31. a girl that grows into a ___?
  18. 34. a bird that cannot fly and is very delicious
  1. 1. all of something.
  2. 2. you use this for writing
  3. 3. worth a lot of money
  4. 5. a place of work, where you computer, notebook, etc is
  5. 7. a part of the pc
  6. 10. like a newspaper
  7. 11. "KOI" In Japanese
  8. 13. delicious
  9. 16. to do computations example "1+1"
  10. 17. a notebook where you can put your schedules etc
  11. 18. color of a tree bark or a tree trunk
  12. 21. you read this to know the news
  13. 23. a person who lived very long
  14. 26. you can put files or important documents in this
  15. 27. What a student does at school
  16. 29. heat
  17. 32. a place where you can put books and other things?
  18. 33. you can look at when using the pc