Designers Dream

  1. 5. Step by step problem solving
  2. 6. Space inside a letter
  3. 8. First part of design process
  4. 12. Arrangement of type and image in design space
  5. 14. Distance between elements
  6. 15. Dimension
  7. 17. Design principle where the element that is different stands out
  8. 19. Who buys the design
  9. 20. Brainstorming part of design process
  10. 22. identifying mark made up of type
  11. 23. When the eye completes a shape
  12. 24. A logo made up of a device and type
  13. 26. Layout software used by designers
  14. 28. Principle where elements line up
  15. 30. Where the type sits
  16. 32. size, shape and orientation of a design
  17. 33. Two kinds symmetry and asymmetry
  1. 1. Refers to something else
  2. 2. Who the message goes to
  3. 3. Contour
  4. 4. Variation of tone from light to dark
  5. 6. Difference
  6. 7. Harmony
  7. 9. Little foot on a letterforms
  8. 10. Figure Ground that moves back and forth
  9. 11. Figure Ground where the figure makes up the ground and vice versa
  10. 13. The era we are currently in in terms of type design
  11. 16. Design principle involved with cropping
  12. 18. Step between thumbnails and final comp
  13. 21. Creates a pattern
  14. 25. Focal point
  15. 27. A design element from point a to b
  16. 29. Trace and
  17. 31. Design element hue