destroy all cars

  1. 1. what sadie is ______
  2. 3. What james believes is a big cause of global warming
  3. 4. the main character
  4. 6. The type of relationship sadie and james have
  5. 8. James is in ________
  6. 10. James feels often times ___ and unsure of what to do next
  7. 11. James is often _______ on what to do
  8. 13. James is a _________
  9. 15. something james does often that his english teacher described as “manifesto styling”
  10. 17. Author of the book
  11. 19. James is in __th grade
  12. 20. James is ________ about the causes he believes in
  13. 21. jameshoff is often ______
  1. 2. James is very ______ and believes he doesn’t need his parents
  2. 5. something the main character is worried about
  3. 7. what james and sadie feel after they hookup
  4. 9. a way of government james hated and believe is evil
  5. 12. james is ______
  6. 14. Where james parents press him to go
  7. 16. James has ____ _______ after high school
  8. 18. what james believes most highschooler are