Detective Fiction Revision

  1. 3. a clue that leads you down the wrong path
  2. 6. an expected element or tool in a text
  3. 8. the surname of Enola and Sherlock
  4. 9. the character investigating the mystery
  5. 10. an unexpected turn of events in a plot
  6. 11. a setting that has a distinct mood could be described as:
  1. 1. a term for the main character in a story
  2. 2. somebody who sees the crime occur
  3. 4. a setting that is located far away from other places could be described as:
  4. 5. a term for the villain in a story (clue: they are 'anti' the main character)
  5. 7. something that has not been solved
  6. 12. the person responsible for a crime