Detective Stories

  1. 2. Translation of 'enlèvement'
  2. 6. Translation of 'enquête'
  3. 7. What the police do when they have found the criminal
  4. 8. Person who sees the crime
  5. 10. Person who committed the crime
  6. 12. A clue that identifies a person
  7. 13. Synonym of 'criminal'
  8. 15. Person who steals
  9. 16. Person who kills
  10. 18. How to prove where you were at the time of the crime
  1. 1. What a body part leaves behind at the crime scene
  2. 3. What you need to find the criminal
  3. 4. E.g. 'gun', 'knife', 'poison'
  4. 5. Synonym of 'a dead body'
  5. 9. To ask suspects questions
  6. 11. Translation of 'blessures'
  7. 14. Reason for committing the crime
  8. 17. Crime when you steal
  9. 18. Person who helps the criminal