
  1. 4. According to the law the ______is the life.
  2. 5. In which month is the Passover.
  3. 7. Which tribe has no allotment or inheritance with Israel?
  4. 9. I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses, choose _______.
  5. 10. Which year is the Lord's year of release?
  6. 12. the living creatures those without fins and scales in the water are _________.
  7. 14. Moses _______ the first set of Ten Commandments.
  8. 18. The nations which Israel dispossess listened to those who practice What?
  9. 19. Be strong and __________.
  10. 21. Man shall not live by bread alone but by every _________ that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
  11. 23. Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak not his __________ gone.
  12. 24. Must have accurate and --------- weights and measures so that we may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you
  13. 25. What must an Israelite make for the roof when building a new house?
  14. 27. Where were the Ten Commandments placed?
  1. 1. But to this day no one knows where Moses' ________was.
  2. 2. from what mountain did Moses see the promised land.
  3. 3. Who narrates the majority of the book of Deuteronomy?
  4. 6. It is because of their ___________ that God drove the nations out before Israel?
  5. 8. A king should not have multiples of Horses, _________, and money.
  6. 11. How old was Moses when he died?
  7. 13. This river divided the land of Canaan from Moab
  8. 15. Whom would the Lord raise up among the Israelites for them to listen to?
  9. 16. Which kind of Hesbon would not let the Israelites pass through his land?
  10. 17. Moses was the prophet who knew the ________ face to face.
  11. 20. How many times did God wrote the Ten Commandments on the stone tablets.
  12. 22. When Moses blessed the tribes before his death, to what animal did he compare Gad?
  13. 26. The ark was made out of ________ wood.