Developing a Disciplined Walk with God

  1. 2. Pray for __ to have own devotions.
  2. 4. Spiritual disciplines have great __.
  3. 5. Spending __ in God's word is important.
  4. 6. How can we be strong without ___ __?
  5. 7. God's __ helps us to spend time in the Word.
  6. 8. A new __ will grow from spending time in God's Word.
  7. 12. Choose to __ spend time in
  8. 13. __ is the time to get to know the Lord!
  9. 14. Read Bible __ day.
  10. 15. On your own, choose to make it a __ in your life.
  11. 16. Make a __ to read Bible every day.
  12. 17. Developing a disciplined walk with God requires special __ we insist on doing ourselves.
  1. 1. __ God's word -- so useful in witnessing.
  2. 3. Spiritual disciplines take __.
  3. 9. God __ us things in His Word.
  4. 10. Choose to make Bible reading and prayer a __ in your life.
  5. 11. Don't let __ get in your way.