Developing an Entrepreneurial Culture

  1. 4. Perception of how things get done in the company
  2. 5. Managers struggle with the concept of __________
  3. 9. Rites, ceremonies, and taboos
  4. 10. The culture in the entrepreneurial firm ________ failure
  1. 1. Captures the personality of the company and what it stands for
  2. 2. Things employees think are worth having or doing
  3. 3. The language, acronyms, jargon, slang, signs etc.
  4. 5. These are the concrete ways in which the substance is manifested in the organization
  5. 6. Cultures tend to differ along some key _________
  6. 7. This refers to shared systems of values, beliefs, and norms
  7. 8. Culture is subject to continuous ________