Developing Coaching Skills

  1. 2. (2 words) when you reflect on your own performance.
  2. 6. (2 words) Ensuring there is a back up for if things don't go as intended.
  3. 8. Progression and regression within a session
  4. 9. ______ learning. A theory of learning based on watching.
  1. 1. (2 words) Should be carried out in line with H&S.
  2. 3. _____ Conditioning. Theory of learning based on an unconscious response to a stimulus. Pavlov's Dogs.
  3. 4. (2 words) A theory of learning based around the law of effect. Most effective when using positive reinforcement.
  4. 5. (2 words) A theory of learning set around rewards and punishment
  5. 7. A form of assessment where a friend or colleague will give you feedback