Development Economics

  1. 3. when a firm or country concentrates production on one or a few goods and services
  2. 4. skills, ability, and knowledge acquired by people with good levels of health that make them productive
  3. 10. low incomes = low savings = low investment in physical, human and natural capital = low growth in income
  4. 11. growth and trade strategy where a country attempts to achieve economic growth by expanding its exports
  5. 12. refers to the level of debt or money owed to creditors
  6. 13. loans that are offered at lower interest rates and longer repayment periods
  7. 14. a new domestic industry that has not had time to establish / achieve its efficiencies and is unable to compete with a more mature competitor
  8. 16. wealthy high educated coexisting with poor illiterate informal/formal sector - low productivity agricultural sector and high productivity urban industrial sector
  9. 18. programme to provide credit in small amounts to people who do not ordinarily have access to credit
  10. 20. any product that is produced in the primary sector
  11. 22. donors make the recipients of foreign aid spend a portion of the borrowed funds on purchased g/s from the donor country
  12. 23. government policies designed to support the growth of the industrial sector ie tax cuts, grants, human capital investment
  13. 24. lending to developing countries to assist their development on non-concessional terms (from organisations or a group of countries)
  14. 28. area between the diagonal and the Lorenz curve, divided by the area under the diagonal
  15. 30. outside of the formal economy, illegal, unregistered, unregulated
  16. 31. foreign aid intended to help economically less developed countries
  17. 32. a summary measure of more than one indicator, ex. HDI
  18. 33. policy of liberalising trade by eliminating trade protection and barriers
  1. 1. the inability of an individual or family to afford a basic standard of goods and services
  2. 2. an international organization that provides the institutional and legal framework for the trading system that exists between member nations
  3. 5. non-profit organisations that provide a very wide range of services and humanitarian functions
  4. 6. spending by firms or government on capital goods
  5. 7. technologies that are well-suited to a country's particular economic, geographical, climate conditions
  6. 8. a type of foreign aid consisting of funds that are in effect gifts
  7. 9. financial investment including investment in stocks and bonds
  8. 15. foreign aid offered by countries or by international organizations
  9. 17. trade protection measures taking the form of administrative procedures
  10. 19. arises when a country has a lower relative cost in the production of a good than another country
  11. 21. investment by firms based in one country in productive activities in another country
  12. 25. rises in the standard of living and well-being of a population
  13. 26. a firm that is based in one country that undertakes productive investments in another country
  14. 27. free movement of financial capital in and out of a country
  15. 29. concessional financial flows from the developed world to LDCs