Developmental Ages

  1. 3. A four year old will start to write by copying what type of letters?
  2. 4. Age 3 to 6 is considered to be what stage of development?
  3. 6. Pincer grasp is normal for an infant at what age?
  4. 7. Birth weight quadruples at what age?
  5. 8. Under supervision a five year old can eat with a fork, spoon, and?
  6. 10. At this age a child can speak in complete sentences?
  7. 11. Attachment to what is common at 18 months?
  8. 13. Teething starts at what age?
  1. 1. Catching and throwing what is common for a four year old?
  2. 2. An infant can respond to their own name at what age?
  3. 4. Vocabulary includes 5 to 20 words at how many months?
  4. 5. A five year old will be able to carry on long detailed?
  5. 9. 0-4 weeks is what developmental stage?
  6. 12. At two years old this type of training can start?