Developmental biology

  1. 4. lumen of the neural tube forms this part of the brain
  2. 6. cells that are present at the junction of surface ectoderm cells and neural tube cells
  3. 9. failure of sacral and vagal neural crest cells to migrate can lead to
  4. 11. intermediate mesoderm gives rise to
  5. 13. failure of the neural tube to close can lead to
  6. 14. structure that becomes the nerve cord
  7. 15. Nervous system originates from this germ layer
  8. 16. mesoderm that along with the neural crest cells forms the face and skull
  9. 19. in adult mammals, the nerve cord becomes
  10. 20. Foxd3 inhibits expression of this protein in the glial precursor cells
  1. 1. an embryo undergoing the process of neurulation can be called as
  2. 2. protein responsible for differentiation of ectoderm in to the three different layers
  3. 3. somites are formed from this layer of mesoderm
  4. 5. dorsolateral pathway mainly leads to formation of
  5. 7. this protein establishes a secondary signalling centre in the floor plate
  6. 8. absence of Kit protein can lead to
  7. 10. neural crest cells that form the wall of large arteries
  8. 12. mesoderm layer that is farthest from the notochord
  9. 17. cells that attach to the notochord during neural plate folding
  10. 18. chordamesoderm forms the