Developmental Theorists

  1. 2. THEORY: People are affected by rewards and punishments, but their reactions to them are filtered by their own perceptions, thoughts, and motivations
  2. 7. Ecological Systems Theory- Outlined layers of environment that affect a child’s development, such as the child’s own biology, family/ community environment, and society; as a child develops, the interaction within these environments becomes more complex and this complexity can arise as the child's physical and cognitive structures grow and mature
  3. 9. Psychoanalytic theorist- Believed that both early and later in life experiences affect development; people are always changing and developing
  4. 10. Social Cognitive Theory- people are different than Pavlov’s dogs, they are more complex; people watch and imitate other people’s behavior, despite whether or not there are rewards and punishments
  5. 16. THEORY: Looks at a child's development within the context of the system of relationships that form his or her environment.
  6. 19. Behaviorism- mouse in a box; operant conditions is the repetition of behaviors when reinforced
  7. 21. Cognitive theorist- Student of Kohlberg’s; thought research was incomplete because he did not study girls and women; expanded upon Kohlberg’s to include females
  8. 22. Cognitive theorist- Children are active in their own development and learning and need a lot of exposure to experimentation, discovery, and firsthand experiences; as they gain more experiences, their way of thinking will change and adapt
  9. 24. Cognitive theorist- Different than Piaget, he believed cognitive development doesn’t just happen (Piaget’s theory); Social and cultural environment shapes human cognitive development
  10. 25. Psychoanalytic theorist- Believed that what happens early in life affects a person for years to come; his theory is not not considered scientifically sound, but he opened the doors for new ways of thinking
  1. 1. THEORY: Ideas of how people process information, thing, and learn
  2. 3. Cognitive theorist- Researched how people decide what is right and what is wrong; moral decisions are personal decisions that evaluate what is right and what is wrong
  3. 4. Ecological Systems Theory- Child’s primary relationship with a caregiver needs to be stable, loving, and lasting; human development unfolds in a nested set of systems, involving cultural, social, economic and political elements, not merely psychological ones
  4. 5. THEORY: People’s behavior is determined by forces in the environment that are beyond their control
  5. 6. Cognitive theorist- Development occurs because humans interact with other people not just objects; children are social beings and develop their minds through interactions with parents, teacher, and other informed people
  6. 8. Cognitive theorist- Developed 4 Stages of Cognitive Development; describes how people think in different stages of life
  7. 11. Social Cognitive Theory- observation and modeling play a primary role in how and why people learn; believe that a child who observes a kind act may later imitate the same act towards sibling or classmate while another learns to swear or eat eat healthy by imitating other people’s actions; the same experiences, will not have the same result on every person
  8. 12. Behaviorism- learning that occurs when a neutral stimulus (e.g., a tone) becomes associated with a stimulus (e.g., food) that naturally produces a behavior
  9. 13. Behaviorism- A rat may be rewarded with a food pellet after pressing a bar, or it may be punished with a small shock of electricity if it does not press the bar; a person is first exposed to a stimulus, which elicits a response, and the response is then reinforced (stimulus, response, reinforcement)
  10. 14. Cognitive theorist- 3 Stages of Moral Development; children make decisions based on punishment or rewards (1st level); observed men and boys
  11. 15. THEORY: Development happens at an unconscious level and is buried in emotions, analyze the symbolic meaning behind behaviors; early life experiences are important in development
  12. 17. Psychoanalytic theorist- Applied psychoanalytic theory with the goal of restoring psychological health through talk therapy
  13. 18. Cognitive theorist- the idea of justice was typical of males, but women used the idea of care for others as a motivating factor in making moral decisions
  14. 20. Psychoanalytic theorist- Liked Freud’s work, but expanded upon it; Theorized all humans develop in eight stages called Psychosocial Developmental Stages
  15. 23. Behaviorism- Dog experiments; classical conditioning is behaviors associated with emotional responses