Develping A Nation And Land Difference

  1. 5. Bird that represnts America
  2. 6. Who crossed Appalachian mountains in early 1800s
  3. 10. Americans carried this, and European Alexis de Tocqueville sensed this
  4. 13. Uncle Sam's real name
  5. 15. Land between the Eastern Mountains and the Mississipi River was known as what
  6. 16. Believed in individualism and equality
  7. 19. American butcher who supplied meat for U.S troops
  8. 20. Across Mississipi was the _ , or unexplored wilderness
  1. 1. Northeast Americans that work hard
  2. 2. One-tenth of Americans lived west of these mountains
  3. 3. What seemed like a small group of states instead of a country
  4. 4. hoped partisan strife was something of the past
  5. 7. Americans felt that they were better than them
  6. 8. Was burnt down in the War of 1812, then was rebuilt
  7. 9. Eager to prevent war
  8. 11. What helped make a new new national identity after the War of 1812
  9. 12. What fraction of AMericans lived between 50 miles of east coast
  10. 14. Forested _ extended from Maine through Georgia like a bumpy spine
  11. 17. U.S was a very _ country
  12. 18. what fraction of Americans lived west of the Appalachians