- 5. Bird that represnts America
- 6. Who crossed Appalachian mountains in early 1800s
- 10. Americans carried this, and European Alexis de Tocqueville sensed this
- 13. Uncle Sam's real name
- 15. Land between the Eastern Mountains and the Mississipi River was known as what
- 16. Believed in individualism and equality
- 19. American butcher who supplied meat for U.S troops
- 20. Across Mississipi was the _ , or unexplored wilderness
- 1. Northeast Americans that work hard
- 2. One-tenth of Americans lived west of these mountains
- 3. What seemed like a small group of states instead of a country
- 4. hoped partisan strife was something of the past
- 7. Americans felt that they were better than them
- 8. Was burnt down in the War of 1812, then was rebuilt
- 9. Eager to prevent war
- 11. What helped make a new new national identity after the War of 1812
- 12. What fraction of AMericans lived between 50 miles of east coast
- 14. Forested _ extended from Maine through Georgia like a bumpy spine
- 17. U.S was a very _ country
- 18. what fraction of Americans lived west of the Appalachians